Extensión de criterios de elegibilidad en el Fondo Concursable “incentivo por publicación con filiación UNSA, 2019-1”: se reconoce más de una filiación, siempre y cuando ésta sea fuera de la Región Arequipa. Se debe precisar que, el incentivo se dividirá entre el número de entidades a las que se filie.

Considerando diversos pedidos recibidos por postulantes interesados en el fondo concursable “Incentivo por publicación con filiación a la UNSA, 2019-1” para aceptar como elegibles artículos publicados en revistas/conferencias indexadas en la base Scopus o Web of Science que estén asociados con el perfil de filiación de la “Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa”, el CTVRI acuerda aceptar como elegibles aquellos artículos que cumplan con el requisito de estar directamente asociados con el perfil de afiliación “Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa” que se consideran para los rankings. Así mismo, este acuerdo permite que postulaciones de la convocatoria “Incentivos para Publicaciones con filiación a la UNSA, 2018-2” puedan postular al presente concurso, siempre y cuando cumplan con este requisito mencionado


  • Reconocer el esfuerzo de la comunidad agustina en la publicación de sus investigaciones en revistas indizadas en base de datos Web of Science o Scopus. El reconocimiento es mediante el otorgamiento de un incentivo monetario no reembolsable.
  • Incrementar la visibilidad científica nacional e internacional de la ciencia que se genera en la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa – UNSA.

Los artículos que son producto de un proyecto financiado o subvencionado por la UNSA u otros fondos, no podrán acceder al estímulo considerado en el presente fondo concursable.


 Público Objetivo

Dirigido a miembros de la comunidad académica universitaria de la UNSA como: docentes, jefes de práctica, estudiantes, graduados (nacionales o extranjeros), egresados, ex-docentes y administrativos relacionados a actividades de investigación. Que sean autores o co-autores, cuya filiación en la publicación sea la “Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa”.


Monto de Incentivos

Modalidad Base de Datos donde se publica la revista Monto S/
Artículo en revista indexada  Web of Science 10,000.00
 Scopus 8,000.00
Artículo de conferencia  Web of Science 4,000.00
 Scopus 3,000.00
Descripción Documentos de postulación
Bases del Concurso
Bases integradas
Anexo 1
Anexo 2

El proceso de convocatoria del fondo concursable es del tipo: Ventanilla Abierta (de flujo continuo).

Actividades del Concurso Fecha
Lanzamiento del concurso y publicación de bases 18 de marzo del 2019
Fecha límite de recepción de consultas para la integración de bases 29 de marzo del 2019
Publicación de bases Integradas 05 de abril del 2019
Cierre de Convocatoria

(cierre de la etapa de postulación)

Ampliado hasta el 12 de junio del 2019

05 de junio del 2019

Publicación de Resultados Hasta 1 mes después de la postulación individual
Aprobación de Plan Operativo del Proyecto, POP Hasta 05 días hábiles después de comunicado la selección
Firma del Contrato e inicio de Proyecto Hasta 05 días hábiles después de la aprobación del POP

El postulante debe registrar su participación en el presente concurso a través del sistema de postulación SISMO UNSA. Si el postulante no está registrado, deberá registrarse en el enlace indicado en el sistema. Quienes ya cuentan con una cuenta de usuario, deberán postular con esa cuenta.


Corte 5:

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título Monto
1 Jose Alfredo Cerdeña Gutierrez Notes on the identity of the male paralectotype of Thecla heodes and description of a new species: Strymon cryptodes sp. nov. from northern Peru (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)  S/   10,000.00
2 Jose Alfredo Cerdeña Gutierrez First record of Alucita danunciae (Lepidoptera: Alucitidae) in Peru  S/   10,000.00
3 Fiorella Nasha Gonzales Guillen Estado de conservación de Myrcianthes ferreyrae (McVaugh) McVaugh un árbol endémico de las Lomas costeras del sur del Perú,  S/     8,000.00
4 Teresa Ramos Quispe Social representations on writing the Final Research Paper of the Mining Engineering career in students and teachers of a semipresential programme  S/     8,000.00
5 Eveling Gloria Castro Gutierrez Virtual Rehabilitation using Sequential Learning Algorithms  S/       8,000.00
6 Yoni Daniel Huaynacho Peñaloza Application of Stereo Pipeline Software for Improve Processing Satellite Images Using a Cluster and PBS Programming  S/       3,000.00
7 Erika Pachari Vera Comparison of the lipid profile and tocopherol content of four Peruvian quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivars (‘Amarilla de Maranganí, ‘Blanca de Juli’, INIA 415 ‘Roja Pasankalla’, INIA 420 ‘Negra Collana’) during germination.  S/   10,000.00
9 Edgar Caceres Cabana Substantiation into “rock massive – underground gasifier” system adaptability of Solenovskyi site in the Donetsk coal basin  S/       8,000.00
10 Edgar Caceres Cabana A modern vision of simulation modelling in mining and near mining activity  S/       3,000.00
11 Edgar Caceres Cabana A concept to use energy of air flows of technogenic area of mining enterprises  S/       3,000.00
12 César Edgardo Medina Pacheco A new species of small-eared shrew of the genus Cryptotis (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Soricidae) from the northernmost Peruvian Andes  S/      10,000.00
13 Alexander David Ccanccapa Cartagena Suspect, non-target and target screening of emerging pollutants using Data Independent Acquisition: Assessment of a Mediterranean River basin  S/     8,000.00
14* Patricia Veronika Mamani Quispe de Moreno Oftalmomiasis por Oestrus ovis en un área urbana al sur del Perú  S/     8,000.00
15 Disraeli Fausto Ari Mamani Word Embeddings and Deep Learning for Spanish Twitter Sentiment Analysis  S/       3,000.00
16 Disraeli Fausto Ari Mamani Deep Neural Network Approaches for Spanish Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts  S/       3,000.00
17 JUAN CARLOS GUTIÉRREZ CÁCERES Small Face Detection Using Deep Learning on Surveillance Videos  S/       8,000.00
18 JUAN CARLOS GUTIÉRREZ CÁCERES Face Detection on real Low Resolution Surveillance Videos  S/       3,000.00
20 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI An experience making use of learning analytics techniques in discussion forums to improve the interaction in learning ecosystems  S/     3,000.00
21 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI What kinds of innovations do we need in education?  S/       3,000.00
22 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Collaborative design and implementation of digital tools in education as part of nationallevel programmes in a decentralised education system  S/     8,000.00
23 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Approaches of learning and computational thinking in students that get into the computer sciences career  S/       3,000.00
24 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Instrument validation to measure thinking skills in a physics course  S/     8,000.00
25 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI A recommender system of open educational resources based on the purpose of learning  S/     3,000.00
26 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca Cooperative learning using Moodle as a support resource: Proposal for continuous evaluation in Operational Research  S/     3,000.00
27 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca The TPACK model as the basis of a didactic proposal for the teaching-learning of Linear Programming  S/     3,000.00
28 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca Video and cooperative work as didactic strategies to enrich learning and development of generic competences in Numerical Methods  S/     3,000.00
29 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca Evaluación de la percepción estudiantil en relación al uso de la plataforma Moodle desde la perspectiva del TAM  S/     8,000.00
30 Omar Bellido Valencia Estimating the shelf life of a mayonnaise made from sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) oil and duck (Anas platyrhynchos L.) egg yolk  S/     8,000.00

Corte 4

1 Julio Augusto Vera Sancho Model of a Recommendation System Based on the Context from the Analysis of Static Code for the Development of Computational Thinking: A Web Programming Case WOS  S/10,000.00
2 Guillermo Rafael Valdivia Impact of the Substrate Characterization Process on the Implementation of a 3.5GHz Amplifier SCOPUS  S/  8,000.00
3 Marco Wilfredo Aedo López Teaching Based on Ludic Environments for the First Session of Computer Programming – Experience with Digital Natives SCOPUS  S/  8,000.00
4 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Annotated checklist and key to the species of amphibians and reptiles inhabiting the northern Peruvian dry forest along the Andean valley of the Marañón River and its tributaries WOS  S/10,000.00
5 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Microhabitat Temperatures and Prevalence of the Pathogenic Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Lowland Amazonian Frogs WOS  S/10,000.00
6 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán A new species of Bothrops (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae) from Pampas del Heath, southeastern Peru, with comments on the systematics of the Bothrops neuwiedi species group WOS  S/10,000.00
7 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Distribution of the Neotropical water snakes Hydrops caesurus, H. martii, and H. triangularis in South America, with new records from Peru and Brazil WOS  S/10,000.00
8 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Ecological interactions between arthropods and small vertebrates in a lowland Amazon rainforest WOS  S/10,000.00
9 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Distribution and conservation status of the critically endangered harlequin frog atelopus epikeisthos (Anura: Bufonidae) WOS  S/10,000.00
10 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Divergence of thermal physiological traits in terrestrial breeding frogs along a tropical elevational gradient WOS  S/10,000.00
11 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Loss of the interaction between estradiol and insulin-like growth factor I in brain endothelial cells associates to changes in mood homeostasis during peri-menopause in mice. WOS  S/10,000.00
12 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Social cognition and executive function in borderline personality disorder: evidence of altered cognitive processes WOS  S/10,000.00
14 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Interaction between orexin/hypocretin system and insulin-like growth factor type 1: role in modulation of mood and cognition WOS  S/  4,000.00
15 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Deficiency Associates to Alzheimer’s Disease Co-Morbidities WOS  S/10,000.00
16 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas Thermoluminescence and defect centers in synthetic diopside WOS  S/10,000.00
17 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas OSL and EPR dating of shells and sediments from Congonhas II sambaqui, Santa Catarina, Brazil WOS  S/10,000.00
18 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas Dating volcanic ash and pumice stones from volcano El Misti, Peru, by thermoluminescence WOS  S/10,000.00
19 Italo Francisco Treviño Zevallos Puya colcaensis (Bromeliaceae) a new species from the South of Perú WOS  S/10,000.00
20 Italo Francisco Treviño Zevallos Diversity of Myxomycetes in arid zones of Peru part II: the cactus belt and transition zones WOS  S/10,000.00
21 Hernan Faustino Chacca Chuctaya Isolated Automatic Speech Recognition of Quechua Numbers using MFCC, DTW and KNN WOS  S/10,000.00
22 Hernan Faustino Chacca Chuctaya Isolated Automatic Speech Recognition of Quechua Numbers using MFCC, DTW and KNN SCOPUS  S/  8,000.00
23 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Mobile-Learning experience as support for improving the capabilities of the English area for Engineering students SCOPUS  S/  8,000.00
24 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Una experiencia b-Learning/m-Learning como soporte para la mejora de las capacidades del área de Inglés para estudiantes de Ingeniería SCOPUS  S/  3,000.00
25 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Enseñanza de Programación con Arduino: Una Experiencia de Proyectos en Ingeniería Electrónica SCOPUS  S/  3,000.00
26 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Experiencia de la integración de Youtube para el desarrollo de la competencia de comunicación en una Carrera de Ingeniería SCOPUS  S/  3,000.00

Corte 3

Nro Nombres Apellido Paterno Apellido Materno Título Base Monto
1 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas TL in green tourmaline: Study of the centers responsible for the TL emission by EPR analysis WOS  S/  10,000.00
2 Gleny Paola Gamarra Ramos Aplicación de Inteligencia de Negocios para Mejorar las Utilidades Mediante el Aumento de la Satisfacción del Cliente en Restaurantes SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
3 Jerson Erick Herrera Rivera Sistema de Recomendación Usando Web Scraping Para Matrícula en MOOCs de Estudiantes en Carrera de Ingeniería en Universidad Pública de Arequipa SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
4 Jerson Erick Herrera Rivera Sistema de Recomendación Basado en Contenido Para Matrícula de Asignaturas Electivas en Carrera de Ingeniería en Universidad Pública de Arequipa SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
5 Hugo César Gómez Tone Impacto de la Enseñanza de la Geometría Descriptiva usando Archivos 3D-PDF como Entrenamiento de la Habilidad Espacial de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil en el Perú SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
6 Keyda Katty De la Gala Quispe Uso de la realidad aumentada mejora los nivelesde comprensi ́on lectora en estudiantes de quintogrado del nivel primario SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
8 Daniel Caceres Apaza Building multiple nests is associated with reduced breeding performance in a south temperate population of Grass Wrens Cistothorus platensis platensis WOS  S/  10,000.00
9 Eveling Gloria Castro Gutierrez Virtual Rehabilitation using Sequential Learning Algorithms WOS  S/  10,000.00
10 Juan Carlos Cutipa Luque Power Losses Analysis and Efficiency Evaluation of an Electric Vehicle Conversion SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
11 ORLANDO EFRAIN MACEDO SANCHEZ Automatic classification of volcano seismic signatures WOS  S/  10,000.00
12 Emeterio Victor Aguilar Puruhuaya Towards coordinated regional multi-satellite InSAR volcano observations: results from the Latin America pilot project WOS  S/  10,000.00

Corte 2

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título Base Monto
1 FATIMA AMERICA CACERES DE BALDARRAGO Propagación in situ de ratania – Krameria lappacea (Krameriaceae): factores limitantes de la propagación natural y efectos de resiembra SCOPUS S/8,000.00
2 GUIDO JUAN SARMIENTO SARMIENTO Uso de bocashi y microorganismos eficaces como alternativa ecológica en el cultivo de fresa en zonas áridas WOS S/10,000.00
3 MARIA ELISABETH FARFAN CHOQUEHUANCA Análisis Comparativo usando minería de datos en la predicción del rendimiento académico de adolescentes basado en emociones SCOPUS S/3,000.00
4 Natali Edith Hurtado Miranda An assessment of species limits of the South American mouse genus Oligoryzomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) using unilocus delimitation methods WOS S/10,000.00
5 LUIS NORBERTO VILLEGAS PAREDES Fog collection as a strategy to sequester carbon in drylands SCOPUS S/8,000.00
6 Rolfy Nixon Mercado Montufar Automatic Cyberbullying Detection in Spanish-language Social Networks using Sentiment Analysis Techniques WOS S/10,000.00
7 Rolfy Nixon Mercado Montufar Automatic Cyberbullying Detection in Spanish-language Social Networks using Sentiment Analysis Techniques SCOPUS S/8,000.00

Corte 1

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título Base  Monto
1 Kreyh Francisco Contreras Alcázar A case report of intramyocardial bridge on right coronary artery SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
2 Cinthya Ysabel Salas Ybañez Predation of Scinax garbei (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926) (Anura: Hylidae) by the wandering spider Ctenus villasboasi Mello-Leitão, 1949 (Araneae: Ctenidae) in southeastern Peru. SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
3 José Luis Javier Vega Ramírez Construction and characterization of materials equivalent to the tissues and organs of the human body for radiotherapy SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
4 Ricardo Manuel Arias Velasquez Improvement in the design of power oil-filled reactors to avoid faults of seismic origin SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
5 Ricardo Manuel Arias Velasquez Insulation failure caused by special pollution around industrial environments SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
6 Jennifer Vanessa Mejia Lara Failures in overhead lines grounding system and a new improve in the IEEE and national standards SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
7 Wildor Ferrel Serruto Automatic Code Generation for Microcontroller-Based System Using Multi-objective Linear Genetic Programming SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
8 Wildor Ferrel Serruto Many-Objective Cooperative Co-evolutionary Linear Genetic Programming applied to the Automatic Microcontroller Program Generation WOS  S/  10,000.00
9 Jannete Jackie Farfan Larico Mariposas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) de Arequipa, Perú: Lista preliminar con dos nuevos registros para Perú SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
10 Alexander Beremiz Hilario Tacuri BER performance of mm-Wave based systems in rainfall scenarios SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
11 Alexander Beremiz Hilario Tacuri Random generating station positions within an elliptical satellite beam SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
12 TATIANA SHESSIRA CHAVEZ ARIAS Newly experimental designed CTPR390-488 biosynthetic nanoparticle as a potential biomarker-drug of myocardial fibrosis WOS  S/    4,000.00
14 Wilber Roberto Ramos Lovón Virtual environment with gamification techniques for learning foreign language vocabulary SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
15 Franci Suni Lopez Towards an Emo-aware Education Through Physiological Emotion Detection SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
16 Franci Suni Lopez End-user perceptions on social sustainability in context-aware applications: Validation of an experiment design SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00
17 Luis Alberto Alfaro Casas Scientific articles exploration system model based in immersive virtual reality and natural language processing techniques SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
18 Luis Alberto Alfaro Casas Utilization of a neuro fuzzy model for the online detection of learning styles in adaptive e-learning systems SCOPUS  S/    8,000.00
19 ABEL SAUL HUAYNACHO PEÑALOZA Application of the ZK and Hibernate Framework for the Development of an Educational Web System Using a Local Server SCOPUS  S/    3,000.00

* Rectificación de apellido a solicitud de la interesada.

Corte 5:

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título BASE Monto Elegibilidad
1 Jose Alfredo Cerdeña Gutierrez First record of Alucita danunciae (Lepidoptera: Alucitidae) in Peru WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
2 Fiorella Nasha Gonzales Guillen Estado de conservación de Myrcianthes ferreyrae (McVaugh) McVaugh un árbol endémico de las Lomas costeras del sur del Perú, SCOPUS  S/         4,000.00 ELEGIBLE
3 Teresa Ramos Quispe Social representations on writing the Final Research Paper of the Mining Engineering career in students and teachers of a semipresential programme SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
4 Eveling Gloria Castro Gutierrez Virtual Rehabilitation using Sequential Learning Algorithms SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
5 Yoni Daniel Huaynacho Peñaloza Application of Stereo Pipeline Software for Improve Processing Satellite Images Using a Cluster and PBS Programming SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
6 Erika Pachari Vera Comparison of the lipid profile and tocopherol content of four Peruvian quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivars (‘Amarilla de Maranganí, ‘Blanca de Juli’, INIA 415 ‘Roja Pasankalla’, INIA 420 ‘Negra Collana’) during germination. WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
8 Edgar Caceres Cabana Substantiation into “rock massive – underground gasifier” system adaptability of Solenovskyi site in the Donetsk coal basin SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
9 Edgar Caceres Cabana A modern vision of simulation modelling in mining and near mining activity SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
10 Edgar Caceres Cabana A concept to use energy of air flows of technogenic area of mining enterprises SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
11 César Edgardo Medina Pacheco A new species of small-eared shrew of the genus Cryptotis (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Soricidae) from the northernmost Peruvian Andes WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
12 Alexander David Ccanccapa Cartagena Suspect, non-target and target screening of emerging pollutants using Data Independent Acquisition: Assessment of a Mediterranean River basin SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
13* Patricia Veronika Mamani Quispe de Moreno Oftalmomiasis por Oestrus ovis en un área urbana al sur del Perú SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
14 Disraeli Fausto Ari Mamani Word Embeddings and Deep Learning for Spanish Twitter Sentiment Analysis SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
15 Disraeli Fausto Ari Mamani Deep Neural Network Approaches for Spanish Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
16 JUAN CARLOS GUTIÉRREZ CÁCERES Small Face Detection Using Deep Learning on Surveillance Videos SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
17 JUAN CARLOS GUTIÉRREZ CÁCERES Face Detection on real Low Resolution Surveillance Videos SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
19 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI An experience making use of learning analytics techniques in discussion forums to improve the interaction in learning ecosystems SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
20 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI What kinds of innovations do we need in education? SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
21 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Collaborative design and implementation of digital tools in education as part of nationallevel programmes in a decentralised education system SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
22 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Approaches of learning and computational thinking in students that get into the computer sciences career SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
23 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Instrument validation to measure thinking skills in a physics course SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
24 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca Cooperative learning using Moodle as a support resource: Proposal for continuous evaluation in Operational Research SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
25 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca The TPACK model as the basis of a didactic proposal for the teaching-learning of Linear Programming SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
26 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca Video and cooperative work as didactic strategies to enrich learning and development of generic competences in Numerical Methods SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
27 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca Evaluación de la percepción estudiantil en relación al uso de la plataforma Moodle desde la perspectiva del TAM SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
27 Omar Bellido Valencia Estimating the shelf life of a mayonnaise made from sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) oil and duck (Anas platyrhynchos L.) egg yolk SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
28 Jose Alfredo Cerdeña Gutierrez Notes on the identity of the male paralectotype of Thecla heodes and description of a new species: Strymon cryptodes sp. nov. from northern Peru (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) WOS  S/      10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
29 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI A recommender system of open educational resources based on the purpose of learning SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE


Corte 4:

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título BASE Monto Elegibilidad
1 Guillermo Rafael Valdivia Impact of the Substrate Characterization Process on the Implementation of a 3.5GHz Amplifier SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
2 Marco Wilfredo Aedo López Teaching Based on Ludic Environments for the First Session of Computer Programming – Experience with Digital Natives SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
3 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Annotated checklist and key to the species of amphibians and reptiles inhabiting the northern Peruvian dry forest along the Andean valley of the Marañón River and its tributaries WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
4 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Microhabitat Temperatures and Prevalence of the Pathogenic Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Lowland Amazonian Frogs WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
5 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán A new species of Bothrops (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae) from Pampas del Heath, southeastern Peru, with comments on the systematics of the Bothrops neuwiedi species group WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
6 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Ecological interactions between arthropods and small vertebrates in a lowland Amazon rainforest WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
7 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Distribution and conservation status of the critically endangered harlequin frog atelopus epikeisthos (Anura: Bufonidae) WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
8 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Divergence of thermal physiological traits in terrestrial breeding frogs along a tropical elevational gradient WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
9 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Loss of the interaction between estradiol and insulin-like growth factor I in brain endothelial cells associates to changes in mood homeostasis during peri-menopause in mice. WOS  S/         5,000.00 ELEGIBLE
10 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Social cognition and executive function in borderline personality disorder: evidence of altered cognitive processes WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
11 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Deficiency Associates to Alzheimer’s Disease Co-Morbidities WOS  S/         3,333.00 ELEGIBLE
12 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas Thermoluminescence and defect centers in synthetic diopside WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
13 Italo Francisco Treviño Zevallos Puya colcaensis (Bromeliaceae) a new species from the South of Perú WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
14 Italo Francisco Treviño Zevallos Diversity of Myxomycetes in arid zones of Peru part II: the cactus belt and transition zones WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
15 Hernan Faustino Chacca Chuctaya Isolated Automatic Speech Recognition of Quechua Numbers using MFCC, DTW and KNN SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
16 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Mobile-Learning experience as support for improving the capabilities of the English area for Engineering students SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
17 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Una experiencia b-Learning/m-Learning como soporte para la mejora de las capacidades del área de Inglés para estudiantes de Ingeniería SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
18 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Enseñanza de Programación con Arduino: Una Experiencia de Proyectos en Ingeniería Electrónica SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
19 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Experiencia de la integración de Youtube para el desarrollo de la competencia de comunicación en una Carrera de Ingeniería SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
20 Julio Augusto Vera Sancho Model of a Recommendation System Based on the Context from the Analysis of Static Code for the Development of Computational Thinking: A Web Programming Case WOS  S/      10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
21 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Distribution of the Neotropical water snakes Hydrops caesurus, H. martii, and H. triangularis in South America, with new records from Peru and Brazil WOS  S/      10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
23 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Interaction between orexin/hypocretin system and insulin-like growth factor type 1: role in modulation of mood and cognition WOS  S/         4,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
24 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas OSL and EPR dating of shells and sediments from Congonhas II sambaqui, Santa Catarina, Brazil WOS  S/      10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
25 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas Dating volcanic ash and pumice stones from volcano El Misti, Peru, by thermoluminescence WOS  S/      10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
26 Hernan Faustino Chacca Chuctaya Isolated Automatic Speech Recognition of Quechua Numbers using MFCC, DTW and KNN WOS  S/      10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE

Corte 3:

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título BASE Monto Elegibilidad
1 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas TL in green tourmaline: Study of the centers responsible for the TL emission by EPR analysis WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
2 Gleny Paola Gamarra Ramos Aplicación de Inteligencia de Negocios para Mejorar las Utilidades Mediante el Aumento de la Satisfacción del Cliente en Restaurantes SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
3 Jerson Erick Herrera Rivera Sistema de Recomendación Usando Web Scraping Para Matrícula en MOOCs de Estudiantes en Carrera de Ingeniería en Universidad Pública de Arequipa SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
4 Jerson Erick Herrera Rivera Sistema de Recomendación Basado en Contenido Para Matrícula de Asignaturas Electivas en Carrera de Ingeniería en Universidad Pública de Arequipa SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
5 Keyda Katty De la Gala Quispe Uso de la realidad aumentada mejora los niveles de comprensión lectora en estudiantes de quintogrado del nivel primario SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
6 Daniel Caceres Apaza Building multiple nests is associated with reduced breeding performance in a south temperate population of Grass Wrens Cistothorus platensis platensis WOS  S/         5,000.00 ELEGIBLE
7 Juan Carlos Cutipa Luque Power Losses Analysis and Efficiency Evaluation of an Electric Vehicle Conversion SCOPUS  S/         3,000.00 ELEGIBLE
8 ORLANDO EFRAIN MACEDO SANCHEZ Automatic classification of volcano seismic signatures WOS  S/         5,000.00 ELEGIBLE
9 Emeterio Victor Aguilar Puruhuaya Towards coordinated regional multi-satellite InSAR volcano observations: results from the Latin America pilot project WOS  S/      10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
10 Hugo César Gómez Tone Impacto de la Enseñanza de la Geometría Descriptiva usando Archivos 3D-PDF como Entrenamiento de la Habilidad Espacial de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil en el Perú SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
12 Eveling Gloria Castro Gutierrez Virtual Rehabilitation using Sequential Learning Algorithms WOS  S/      10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE

Corte 2

1 FATIMA AMERICA CACERES DE BALDARRAGO Propagación in situ de ratania – Krameria lappacea (Krameriaceae): factores limitantes de la propagación natural y efectos de resiembra SCOPUS  S/   8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
2 Natali Edith Hurtado Miranda An assessment of species limits of the South American mouse genus Oligoryzomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) using unilocus delimitation methods WOS  S/ 10,000.00 ELEGIBLE
3 LUIS NORBERTO VILLEGAS PAREDES Fog collection as a strategy to sequester carbon in drylands SCOPUS  S/   8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
4 Rolfy Nixon Mercado Montufar Automatic Cyberbullying Detection in Spanish-language Social Networks using Sentiment Analysis Techniques SCOPUS  S/   8,000.00 ELEGIBLE
1 GUIDO JUAN SARMIENTO SARMIENTO Uso de bocashi y microorganismos eficaces como alternativa ecológica en el cultivo de fresa en zonas áridas WOS  S/   10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
2 MARIA ELISABETH FARFAN CHOQUEHUANCA Análisis Comparativo usando minería de datos en la predicción del rendimiento académico de adolescentes basado en emociones SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE
3 Rolfy Nixon Mercado Montufar Automatic Cyberbullying Detection in Spanish-language Social Networks using Sentiment Analysis Techniques WOS  S/   10,000.00 NO ELEGIBLE


Corte 1

Nro  Nombres  Apellido paterno  Apellido materno  Título  BASE  Monto  Elegibilidad
1  Kreyh Francisco  Contreras  Alcázar  A case report of intramyocardial bridge on right coronary artery  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  ELEGIBLE
2  Cinthya Ysabel  Salas  Ybañez  Predation of Scinax garbei (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926) (Anura: Hylidae) by the wandering spider Ctenus villasboasi Mello-Leitão, 1949 (Araneae: Ctenidae) in southeastern Peru.  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  ELEGIBLE
3  Ricardo Manuel  Arias  Velasquez  Improvement in the design of power oil-filled reactors to avoid faults of seismic origin  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  ELEGIBLE
4  Ricardo Manuel  Arias  Velasquez  Insulation failure caused by special pollution around industrial environments  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  ELEGIBLE
5  Jennifer Vanessa  Mejia  Lara  Failures in overhead lines grounding system and a new improve in the IEEE and national standards  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  ELEGIBLE
6  Wildor  Ferrel  Serruto  Automatic Code Generation for Microcontroller-Based System Using Multi-objective Linear Genetic Programming  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  ELEGIBLE
7  Wildor  Ferrel  Serruto  Many-Objective Cooperative Co-evolutionary Linear Genetic Programming applied to the Automatic Microcontroller Program Generation  WEB OF SCIENCE  S/   10,000.00  ELEGIBLE
8  Jannete Jackie  Farfan  Larico  Mariposas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) de Arequipa, Perú: Lista preliminar con dos nuevos registros para Perú  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  ELEGIBLE
9  Alexander Beremiz  Hilario  Tacuri  BER performance of mm-Wave based systems in rainfall scenarios  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  ELEGIBLE
10  Wilber Roberto  Ramos  Lovón  Virtual environment with gamification techniques for learning foreign language vocabulary  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  ELEGIBLE
11  Franci  Suni  Lopez  Towards an Emo-aware Education Through Physiological Emotion Detection  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  ELEGIBLE
12  Franci  Suni  Lopez  End-user perceptions on social sustainability in context-aware applications: Validation of an experiment design  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  ELEGIBLE
13  Luis Alberto  Alfaro  Casas  Scientific articles exploration system model based in immersive virtual reality and natural language processing techniques  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  ELEGIBLE
14  Luis Alberto  Alfaro  Casas  Utilization of a neuro fuzzy model for the online detection of learning styles in adaptive e-learning systems  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  ELEGIBLE
15  ABEL SAUL  HUAYNACHO  PEÑALOZA  Application of the ZK and Hibernate Framework for the Development of an Educational Web System Using a Local Server  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  ELEGIBLE


Nro  Nombres  Apellido paterno  Apellido materno  Título  BASE  Monto  Elegibilidad
1  José Luis Javier  Vega  Ramírez  Construction and characterization of materials equivalent to the tissues and organs of the human body for radiotherapy  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  NO ELEGIBLE
2  Alexander Beremiz  Hilario  Tacuri  Random generating station positions within an elliptical satellite beam  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  NO ELEGIBLE
3  TATIANA SHESSIRA  CHAVEZ  ARIAS  Newly experimental designed CTPR390-488 biosynthetic nanoparticle as a potential biomarker-drug of myocardial fibrosis  WEB OF SCIENCE  S/     4,000.00  NO ELEGIBLE

* Rectificación de apellido a solicitud de la interesada.

Corte 5:

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título BASE Monto Selección
1 Eveling Gloria Castro Gutierrez Virtual Rehabilitation using Sequential Learning Algorithms SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
2 Yoni Daniel Huaynacho Peñaloza Application of Stereo Pipeline Software for Improve Processing Satellite Images Using a Cluster and PBS Programming SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
4 Edgar Caceres Cabana Substantiation into “rock massive – underground gasifier” system adaptability of Solenovskyi site in the Donetsk coal basin SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
5 Edgar Caceres Cabana A modern vision of simulation modelling in mining and near mining activity SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
6 Edgar Caceres Cabana A concept to use energy of air flows of technogenic area of mining enterprises SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
7 César Edgardo Medina Pacheco A new species of small-eared shrew of the genus Cryptotis (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Soricidae) from the northernmost Peruvian Andes WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
8 Disraeli Fausto Ari Mamani Word Embeddings and Deep Learning for Spanish Twitter Sentiment Analysis SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
9 Disraeli Fausto Ari Mamani Deep Neural Network Approaches for Spanish Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
10 JUAN CARLOS GUTIÉRREZ CÁCERES Small Face Detection Using Deep Learning on Surveillance Videos SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
11 JUAN CARLOS GUTIÉRREZ CÁCERES Face Detection on real Low Resolution Surveillance Videos SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
13 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI What kinds of innovations do we need in education? SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
14 Omar Bellido Valencia Estimating the shelf life of a mayonnaise made from sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) oil and duck (Anas platyrhynchos L.) egg yolk SCOPUS  S/         8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
14 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Approaches of learning and computational thinking in students that get into the computer sciences career SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
15 Alexander David Ccanccapa Cartagena Suspect, non-target and target screening of emerging pollutants using Data Independent Acquisition: Assessment of a Mediterranean River basin SCOPUS  S/           4,000.00 SELECCIONADO
16 Jose Alfredo Cerdeña Gutierrez First record of Alucita danunciae (Lepidoptera: Alucitidae) in Peru WOS  S/           10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
17 Fiorella Nasha Gonzales Guillen Estado de conservación de Myrcianthes ferreyrae (McVaugh) McVaugh un árbol endémico de las Lomas costeras del sur del Perú, SCOPUS  S/           4,000.00 SELECCIONADO
18 Teresa Ramos Quispe Social representations on writing the Final Research Paper of the Mining Engineering career in students and teachers of a semipresential programme SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
19 Erika Pachari Vera Comparison of the lipid profile and tocopherol content of four Peruvian quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivars (‘Amarilla de Maranganí, ‘Blanca de Juli’, INIA 415 ‘Roja Pasankalla’, INIA 420 ‘Negra Collana’) during germination. WOS  S/           10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
20** Patricia Veronika Mamani Quispe de Moreno Oftalmomiasis por Oestrus ovis en un área urbana al sur del Perú SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
21 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Collaborative design and implementation of digital tools in education as part of nationallevel programmes in a decentralised education system SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
22 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI Instrument validation to measure thinking skills in a physics course SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
23 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca Evaluación de la percepción estudiantil en relación al uso de la plataforma Moodle desde la perspectiva del TAM SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
24 KLINGE ORLANDO VILLALBA CONDORI An experience making use of learning analytics techniques in discussion forums to improve the interaction in learning ecosystems SCOPUS  S/   3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
25 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca The TPACK model as the basis of a didactic proposal for the teaching-learning of Linear Programming SCOPUS  S/ 3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
26 Norka Noralí Bedregal Alpaca Video and cooperative work as didactic strategies to enrich learning and development of generic competences in Numerical Methods SCOPUS  S/   3,000.00 SELECCIONADO


Corte 4:

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título BASE Monto Selección
1 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Annotated checklist and key to the species of amphibians and reptiles inhabiting the northern Peruvian dry forest along the Andean valley of the Marañón River and its tributaries WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
2 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Microhabitat Temperatures and Prevalence of the Pathogenic Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Lowland Amazonian Frogs WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
3 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán A new species of Bothrops (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae) from Pampas del Heath, southeastern Peru, with comments on the systematics of the Bothrops neuwiedi species group WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
4 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Ecological interactions between arthropods and small vertebrates in a lowland Amazon rainforest WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
5 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Distribution and conservation status of the critically endangered harlequin frog atelopus epikeisthos (Anura: Bufonidae) WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
6 Libio Roy Santa Cruz Farfán Divergence of thermal physiological traits in terrestrial breeding frogs along a tropical elevational gradient WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
7 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Loss of the interaction between estradiol and insulin-like growth factor I in brain endothelial cells associates to changes in mood homeostasis during peri-menopause in mice. WOS  S/           5,000.00 SELECCIONADO
8 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Social cognition and executive function in borderline personality disorder: evidence of altered cognitive processes WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
9 Jonathan Adrian Zegarra Valdivia Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Deficiency Associates to Alzheimer’s Disease Co-Morbidities WOS  S/           3,333.00 SELECCIONADO
10 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas Thermoluminescence and defect centers in synthetic diopside WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
11 Hernan Faustino Chacca Chuctaya Isolated Automatic Speech Recognition of Quechua Numbers using MFCC, DTW and KNN SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
12 Guillermo Rafael Valdivia Impact of the Substrate Characterization Process on the Implementation of a 3.5GHz Amplifier SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
13 Marco Wilfredo Aedo López Teaching Based on Ludic Environments for the First Session of Computer Programming – Experience with Digital Natives SCOPUS  S/           8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
14 Italo Francisco Treviño Zevallos Puya colcaensis (Bromeliaceae) a new species from the South of Perú WOS  S/           10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
15 Italo Francisco Treviño Zevallos Diversity of Myxomycetes in arid zones of Peru part II: the cactus belt and transition zones WOS  S/           10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
16 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Una experiencia b-Learning/m-Learning como soporte para la mejora de las capacidades del área de Inglés para estudiantes de Ingeniería SCOPUS  S/   3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
17 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Enseñanza de Programación con Arduino: Una Experiencia de Proyectos en Ingeniería Electrónica SCOPUS  S/   3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
18 Elizabeth Vidal Duarte Experiencia de la integración de Youtube para el desarrollo de la competencia de comunicación en una Carrera de Ingeniería SCOPUS  S/   3,000.00 SELECCIONADO

Corte 3

Nro Nombres Apellido paterno Apellido materno Título BASE Monto Selección
1 Jorge Sabino Ayala Arenas TL in green tourmaline: Study of the centers responsible for the TL emission by EPR analysis WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
2 Keyda Katty De la Gala Quispe Uso de la realidad aumentada mejora los niveles de comprensión lectora en estudiantes de quintogrado del nivel primario SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
3 Juan Carlos Cutipa Luque Power Losses Analysis and Efficiency Evaluation of an Electric Vehicle Conversion SCOPUS  S/           3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
4 ORLANDO EFRAIN MACEDO SANCHEZ Automatic classification of volcano seismic signatures WOS  S/           5,000.00 SELECCIONADO
5 Emeterio Victor Aguilar Puruhuaya Towards coordinated regional multi-satellite InSAR volcano observations: results from the Latin America pilot project WOS  S/         10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
6 Daniel Caceres Apaza Building multiple nests is associated with reduced breeding performance in a south temperate population of Grass Wrens Cistothorus platensis platensis WOS  S/         5,000.00 SELECCIONADO
7 Gleny Paola Gamarra Ramos Aplicación de Inteligencia de Negocios para Mejorar las Utilidades Mediante el Aumento de la Satisfacción del Cliente en Restaurantes SCOPUS  S/   3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
8 Jerson Erick Herrera Rivera Sistema de Recomendación Usando Web Scraping Para Matrícula en MOOCs de Estudiantes en Carrera de Ingeniería en Universidad Pública de Arequipa SCOPUS  S/   3,000.00 SELECCIONADO
9 Jerson Erick Herrera Rivera Sistema de Recomendación Basado en Contenido Para Matrícula de Asignaturas Electivas en Carrera de Ingeniería en Universidad Pública de Arequipa SCOPUS  S/   3,000.00 SELECCIONADO


Corte 2

1 FATIMA AMERICA CACERES DE BALDARRAGO Propagación in situ de ratania – Krameria lappacea (Krameriaceae): factores limitantes de la propagación natural y efectos de resiembra SCOPUS  S/   8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
2 Natali Edith Hurtado Miranda An assessment of species limits of the South American mouse genus Oligoryzomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) using unilocus delimitation methods WOS  S/ 10,000.00 SELECCIONADO
3 LUIS NORBERTO VILLEGAS PAREDES Fog collection as a strategy to sequester carbon in drylands SCOPUS  S/   8,000.00 SELECCIONADO
4 Rolfy Nixon Mercado Montufar Automatic Cyberbullying Detection in Spanish-language Social Networks using Sentiment Analysis Techniques SCOPUS  S/   8,000.00 SELECCIONADO


Corte 1

Nro  Nombres  Apellido paterno  Apellido materno  Título  BASE  Monto  Selección
1  Kreyh Francisco  Contreras  Alcázar  A case report of intramyocardial bridge on right coronary artery  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  SELECCIONADO
2  Cinthya Ysabel  Salas  Ybañez  Predation of Scinax garbei (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926) (Anura: Hylidae) by the wandering spider Ctenus villasboasi Mello-Leitão, 1949 (Araneae: Ctenidae) in southeastern Peru.  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  SELECCIONADO
3  Ricardo Manuel  Arias  Velasquez  Improvement in the design of power oil-filled reactors to avoid faults of seismic origin  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  SELECCIONADO
4  Ricardo Manuel  Arias  Velasquez  Insulation failure caused by special pollution around industrial environments  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  SELECCIONADO
5  Jennifer Vanessa  Mejia  Lara  Failures in overhead lines grounding system and a new improve in the IEEE and national standards  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  SELECCIONADO
6  Wildor  Ferrel  Serruto  Automatic Code Generation for Microcontroller-Based System Using Multi-objective Linear Genetic Programming  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  SELECCIONADO
7  Wildor  Ferrel  Serruto  Many-Objective Cooperative Co-evolutionary Linear Genetic Programming applied to the Automatic Microcontroller Program Generation  WEB OF SCIENCE


 S/   10,000.00

S/   8,000.00

8  Jannete Jackie  Farfan  Larico  Mariposas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) de Arequipa, Perú: Lista preliminar con dos nuevos registros para Perú  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  SELECCIONADO
9  Alexander Beremiz  Hilario  Tacuri  BER performance of mm-Wave based systems in rainfall scenarios  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  SELECCIONADO
10  Wilber Roberto  Ramos  Lovón  Virtual environment with gamification techniques for learning foreign language vocabulary  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  SELECCIONADO
11  Franci  Suni  Lopez  Towards an Emo-aware Education Through Physiological Emotion Detection  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  SELECCIONADO
12  Franci  Suni  Lopez  End-user perceptions on social sustainability in context-aware applications: Validation of an experiment design  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  SELECCIONADO
13  Luis Alberto  Alfaro  Casas  Scientific articles exploration system model based in immersive virtual reality and natural language processing techniques  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  SELECCIONADO
14  Luis Alberto  Alfaro  Casas  Utilization of a neuro fuzzy model for the online detection of learning styles in adaptive e-learning systems  SCOPUS  S/     8,000.00  SELECCIONADO
15  ABEL SAUL  HUAYNACHO  PEÑALOZA  Application of the ZK and Hibernate Framework for the Development of an Educational Web System Using a Local Server  SCOPUS  S/     3,000.00  SELECCIONADO

*El CTVRI según bases verificó la exactitud de lo presentado en postulación, como el cumplimiento de los requisitos y condiciones establecidas. Se verifica que el artículo está en la categoría ESCI, por lo que el CTVRI aprobó recategorizar el artículo a la base SCOPUS, debido a que se encuentra indizada en dicha base y esta afiliado a la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa.

**Rectificación de apellido a solicitud de la interesada.